These Terms of Service apply only to works for private/personal use. For commercial inquiries, please email at shop+commercial@mcollingsart.com!
Prices are subject to change based on demand.
I have the right to reject any order for any reason.
Currency accepted is USD and can be paid through either PayPal or credit card transaction.
Payments will be requested, processed and tracked via invoice sent to a valid email address.
Do not attempt to send any form of payment until I have sent you your invoice.​​
For commissions totaling $300 USD or higher, the commission can be paid either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval.
For commissions under $300 USD, the commission must be paid 100% upfront.
Final delivery time varies from project to project. I will outline soft deadlines in my "MCollings Art Commission Terms" document which must be viewed and agreed to before project is accepted. While I will make every effort to adhere to these deadlines, running later than those deadlines does NOT constitute violation of these terms.
For physical commissions (prints/stickers/etc.):
Your work will be shipped after your final approval.
For digital commissions (digital art/emotes/etc.):​
Your work will be uploaded to an online repository (Google Drive) and you will be emailed a link to download your finished commission.
Do NOT share this link with any third party.
This link will remain available for 14 days. After which, it will be archived and will no longer be accessible.
If you need future access to download your commission AND the original file(s) still exist, there will be a $10 rehosting fee that must be paid upfront. This is NOT guaranteed. If the file(s) no longer exist, then this option will not be available to you.​
Number of revisions varies depending on the project and price quoted. It will be clearly outlined in my "MCollings Art Commission Terms" document which must be viewed and agreed to before the invoice will be sent/payment accepted.
If additional changes are requested above what was initially agreed to, an additional fee will be charged.
A fee will be added if major change(s) are requested after the sketch has been approved.
If your reference is unclear and results in major deviation from initial sketches, those changes will come at and extra charge.
I, Marina Collings (the Artist):
I reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason.​
I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork.
I will NOT claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork.
I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms.
I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online, including but not limited to:
My Portfolio​
My Commission Sheets
My store listings
My social media accounts
You (the customer/commissioner):​​​
You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and/or social channel.​
You may NOT claim the work as your own.​
You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece. (No reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, make additional copies/prints, etc.)​
You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without prior consent from me (the artist).
You MAY be allowed to sell the artwork if it is a part of an Adoptable. Please discuss this with me prior to paying for the artwork.
You retain the rights to the intellectual property (IP).​
You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes.
The following is considered copyright infringement:​
Reproducing/using the copyrighted work commercially (meaning you may not make directly make money off of it in any way).​
Sharing the download link to your final commission piece(s) with any third party.
Claiming the work as your own.
Altering the work without my prior consent.
In some cases, the commercial rights to the image may be purchased.​​
Refunds will not be allowed once work has begun on the commission.
If, for any reason, I am unable to start your commission, you will receive a full refund.
If you cancel your order before work has begun on the commission, you'll receive a full refund.
If I grant your refund, I will transfer your money back myself. Do NOT request a Paypal chargeback/bank cancellation for any reason.
If you initiate a Paypal chargeback/bank cancellation at any point, you lose all aforementioned rights to the commissioned work and I retain all rights to profit further from the work in any way. Any chargeback/bank cancellation will be contested and our conversations will be given as evidence of work completed. Furthermore, you will be blacklisted from commissioning work from me again.
Decision-making power on which initial draft(s)/mockup(s) to proceed with ( number will vary with project ).​​​​
Approvals at sketch stage and final stage that must be given before work is continued.​​​​
Input in the color planning process to ensure your piece best fits your aesthetic.
Delivery of professional-quality print (if physical commission) or high-quality full-resolution file(s) as well as smaller version(s) for easy internet use.
The types and number of deliverables will be clearly outlined in my 'MCollings Art Commission Terms' document that will be agreed upon before beginning project.​